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Unishippers' Guide to Accurate Freight Quotes

No one likes finding unexpected fees on their final shipping invoice. To avoid these surprises, it’s important to understand the factors that can lead to inaccurate quoting, since even small omissions or mistakes can be costly.

The experts at Unishippers want you to have easy access to helpful freight shipping information, starting with our Guide to Accurate Freight Quotes. Click here to download our guide, which outlines the important steps you should remember when requesting a freight quote:

Get started with freight classification

At the heart of an accurate freight quote is your shipment’s commodity classification or “class.” By accurately classifying your shipment, you can ensure you get the most accurate freight quote while avoiding costly delays and reclassification fees. Taking just a few extra moments to complete this information can make a world of difference for both your quote’s accuracy and your bottom line.

Understanding how to accurately classify your freight shipments can feel daunting, even for the most experienced shippers. However, as one of the main factors that impacts your final freight quote, it’s important to understand how to fill out your bill of lading the right way. For more information about classifying your freight, download Unishippers’ Understanding Freight Classification tip sheet or watch our video, How to Class Freight in Four Minutes.

Plan ahead for additional fees

It’s always a good idea to plan ahead for any additional services you may need that are not included in standard freight shipping rates. By understanding common accessorial charges — such as redelivery, liftgate delivery, limited access and other fees — you can get a more accurate freight quote and plan ahead for any additional freight shipping expenses.

Can’t remember which situations necessitate extra fees? Download our helpful tip sheet, Understanding Freight Shipping Fees, and reference it when quoting your next freight shipment.

Consult with the experts

Start saving time, trouble and money on your freight shipping by partnering with Unishippers. Through our easy-to-use transportation management system, myUnishippers™, Unishippers customers can easily receive no-hassle freight quotes from 75+ trusted LTL carriers. Our team of freight shipping experts will work tirelessly to ensure your shipments are classed correctly and delivered without a hitch.

Get even more tips for requesting an accurate freight quote with Unishippers’ helpful, free e-guide.

Ready to take the next step?

Unishippers’ dedicated team of shipping experts can help you successfully navigate all things freight — starting with getting the most accurate quotes for your business shipping. Contact Unishippers today to get started.


Avoid Freight Shipping Quote Mistakes

Learn how to get the most accurate and affordable freight shipping quote right from the start by avoiding these common freight mistakes.

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