Freight class is in session!
Before you send a less-than-truckload (LTL) freight shipment, it's important to make sure you've filled out your bill of lading correctly - and that starts by accurately classifying your freight. Without specifying an accurate freight class, your shipment could experience delays and even incur additional fees. Trust us: you won't regret taking the time to understand the freight classification system!

What is freight class?
Established by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA), the freight classification or "class" system helps streamline LTL shipping costs across the industry. Shipments are categorized into one of 18 standard or 11 density-based freight classes based on your freight's density, stowability, handling and liability. These range from class 50 (the least expensive) to class 500 (the most expensive) and will be one of the main determining factors of your final shipping rate.
How to Calculate Freight Class
We get it - classifying your freight can be confusing even for the most experienced shippers! But we're here to help you through. To determine the correct freight class for your shipment, you'll first need to identify its NMFC code using the NMFTA website or by contacting your Unishippers office. Our handy freight class calculator can also help you through the process, including calculating the density of your freight. And of course, our shipping experts are always there to lend a hand if you get stuck!
Accurate, Affordable Freight Quotes
Once you've determined your shipment's freight class, you're one step closer to getting your freight on the road - and luckily, the hard part's behind you! With Unishippers' transportation management system (TMS), you can easily access great freight rates from our portfolio of 75+ of the nation's best LTL carriers. So whether you're looking for standard LTL services or require something more unique, we've got you covered with affordable rates and reliable service.
You Deserve a Freight Shipping Advocate
Whether it's helping you select the right freight class for your shipment or looking for opportunities to save on costs, we're the shipping company that works for you. Contact Unishippers today to see how we can take your freight shipping to the next level!