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4 Ways a TMS Boosts Your Freight Shipping Productivity

It’s time to say goodbye to hours on the phone getting freight shipping quotes and handwritten bills of lading. Here are four ways a TMS boosts your productivity and helps you get your freight out the door faster:

1. Online freight quotes

Forget about emailing or calling multiple carriers for freight quotes, and then waiting for them to get back to you. Using an online transportation management system (TMS) like Unishippers’ myUnishippersâ„¢ allows you to instantly compare costs and delivery options – whenever it’s convenient for you.

2. Go paperless

Filling out one bill of lading (BOL) can be a pain, but multiple? Hasta la vista, extra time and paperwork. With a TMS, you can quickly convert quotes to BOLs, not to mention store your product and shipping information to automate future shipments. Not having to retype (or rewrite!) all of that information will save you hours.

3. Track orders online

Stop wondering when your shipment will be picked-up or delivered, and forget about using multiple tracking systems for your orders. A TMS allows you to track all your freight shipments in one place as well as keep all your orders, invoices and other files organized and searchable.

4. Get help from shipping experts

When it comes to freight shipping, don’t spin your wheels trying to sort out the details on your own. Unishippers’ shipping experts act as consultants for your business. No problem is too big or too small — and personalized customer service is always just a phone call away.

Want to learn about more ways Unishippers can help with your business shipping? Download our guide, 6 Reasons Why Small- To Mid-Sized Businesses Love 3PLs.

Ready to learn more about freight shipping productivity with Unishippers? Contact us today to get started.


Get All the Benefits of a TMS by Teaming Up With a 3PL

Learn why partnering with a 3PL and gaining access to their sophisticated freight management system can benefit your business shipping.

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